Support for Vulnerable Groups

Dream Artisans

Problem Statement

In Singapore, 1 in 10 seniors is not satisfied with their opportunities to continue achieving their dreams, aspirations, and hobbies (National Council of Social Service, 2016). They also hold negative perceptions of retirement like fear of boredom and lack of life satisfaction. Furthermore, retired seniors often experience loneliness and depressed moods, and overall, reported poor health conditions and limitations in daily activities (Duke-NUS Centre for Ageing Research & Education, 2018).

How can we encourage seniors to age well post-retirement, and develop a more positive outlook towards aging within the community?"

Support for Vulnerable Groups

Dream Artisans


Project Description

Dream Artisans aims to empower seniors to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Through a 4-step process, they assist seniors to identify their dreams and milestones, and co-create meaningful and personalised immersion experiences. Through showcasing success stories on social media and building community networks of support, Dream Artisans hopes to promote active ageing and reduce ageism in Singapore.
