Mental Well-Being

Be Human

Problem Statement

How can we encourage discussion on mental well-being topics (e.g., by facilitating difficult conversations with peers, family members, colleagues, or members of the public) to reassure and engage youth in overcoming their concerns to help-seeking, promote and normalize mental well-being and help-seeking?

Mental Well-Being

Be Human


Project Description

Be Human Inc aims to advocate a lifestyle movement that promotes these three core values:

Human Empowerment: Reflect back to the individual their highest potential

Human Security: Build a “safe space/community” that they can engage, and contribute in

Pioneering Spirit/ Mindset: Adopting a pioneering spirit to overcome scarcity mindset (Chartering their own path) – GROWTH MINDSET

Through our various activities and large-scale events, we hope to encourage and gather relevant information on human needs for each individual’s mental health prevention and management.
