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Problem Statement

Security officers in guardhouses often opt for non-nutritious snacks between meals.

How might we make healthy snacks more accessible to lower wage workers, such as security guards?

Project Description

S41US aims to provide affordable and healthy snacking options for security guards through “Nutripack”, a healthy box subscription.

By giving them access to healthy snacking options, the subscription will help security guards cut down on unhealthy snacks which are high in sodium and trans-fat.

Project By: Bryan Cheong, Mohamad Arrifin, Gabriel Lim, Josh Kuan, Samuel Leow

A Few Questions For You

How Can We Improve?


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23/01/22 16:16:54

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

State the importance of health benefits and how a stronger physique can help them to enjoy their work better- more alert, more fit to tackle problems. In the long term, the rewards are less illness, less bills to pay.

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23/01/22 16:16:54

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"

Nutrition,Exercise,Mental health

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23/01/22 16:16:54

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"

Too general solutions can be ineffective to be accepted. E.g. Simple, Convenient, Achievable solutions should be promoted.

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23/01/22 15:01:57

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

include whistle blowing function in app

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23/01/22 15:01:57

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"

Mental health

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23/01/22 15:01:57

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"

u r disturbing their sleep when u send them notifications to exercise.

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Kyle Huang

23/01/22 13:52:36

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

Incentivise healthy habits by providing snacks for meeting health goals

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Kyle Huang

23/01/22 13:52:36

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"


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Kyle Huang

23/01/22 13:52:36

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"

Funding as this project may require sponsors

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21/01/22 15:37:39

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

Rewards with merchants

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21/01/22 15:37:39

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"


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21/01/22 15:37:39

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"


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19/01/22 02:21:23

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

Spread awareness or incentivise them

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19/01/22 02:21:23

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"

Nutrition,Mental health

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19/01/22 02:21:23

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"

Some might not be able to navigate themselves well in the app. So you guys have to make sure that they are given some kind of tutorial for this and make the application simple as well.

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18/01/22 14:00:19

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

Hmmm, I would really think that if it is the security companies\'s initiative for their guards to attend some physical activities or discounted gym membership it may be more useful

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18/01/22 14:00:19

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"

Mental health

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18/01/22 14:00:19

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"

Always test your prototype with the users.

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18/01/22 05:57:56

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

Provide incentives like clocking hours will give them vouchers

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18/01/22 05:57:56

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"


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18/01/22 05:57:56

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"

Most guards are of an older age, they may not be receptive to new apps/technology

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11/01/22 15:59:43

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

Perhaps a point systems that can be exchange for vouchers much like the national steps challenge.

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11/01/22 15:59:43

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"

Nutrition,Mental health

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11/01/22 15:59:43

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"

Making the guards do additional work or doing task that interrupts their job.

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Momo Lu

10/01/22 10:58:01

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

Make the snack delicious

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Momo Lu

10/01/22 10:58:01

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"


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Momo Lu

10/01/22 10:58:01

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"

Understand why they like non-nutritious snacks in the first place

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03/01/22 18:56:37

In response to "What can we do to encourage security officers to adopt our application in the long run?"

Show the benefits or pitch on television.

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03/01/22 18:56:37

In response to "What aspects of health should we aim to focus on in the application to benefit security officers?"

Nutrition,Exercise,Mental health

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03/01/22 18:56:37

In response to "What should we be wary of when implementing our solutions?"

If they are spent using so much of the phone, would there be an issue in the organisation.

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23/01/22 16:16:54

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Can have an easy recipe to encourage security officers to prepare healthy snacks for themselves. Can improve mental health by having sufficient sleep and also go for training to improve skills in their jobs.

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23/01/22 15:01:57

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

think about a habit cycle tracker in build in the app to complement the various aspects you are interested in?

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Kyle Huang

23/01/22 13:52:36

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Explore how the security companies may partner with healthy snack companies e.g. placement of snacks could be a form of advertisement?

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19/01/22 02:21:23

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

The incentives certainly feels like a one off thing. So you can think about incentivising them in a another way as well. When partnering with companies that can offer you with sponsorship, also think about what you guys offer them, basically the benefits they will reap from you guys.

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18/01/22 14:00:19

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Talk to the security guards or security companies and see if they are concern about this issue themselves.

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18/01/22 05:57:56

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

How is this different from any other fitness apps like Fitbit reminding you to walk every hour?

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11/01/22 15:59:43

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

It\'s a good approach to get them to improve their health and can be further develop to more ideas for sure.

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Momo Lu

10/01/22 10:58:01

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Maybe can make it targeting broader groups of people? eg receptionist, office worker, …



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