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Add One More

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Problem Statement

The more risk factors that youths are exposed to, the greater likelihood that they will experience negative outcomes, including delinquency.

How can we better enagage youths-at-risk to prevent them from participating in delinquent activities and improve their lives at the same time?

Project Description

Add One More aims to generate employment opportunities for youths-at-risk to give them a chance to gain new skills and work experience in a safe and supportive environment.

The team will develop a mentoring program where mentees will be paired with volunteers to learn employable skills (e.g. coffee-making) together. The volunteers will play a social mentoring role in the program, acting as a support sytem to keep the youths committed to the training process. The skills they develop from the program will allow the youths to take up relevant side hustles or full time job roles.

Project By: Tan Jun Xian, Eldon Lee, Rohini Ravindran

A Few Questions For You

How Can We Improve?


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23/01/22 18:30:32

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth who may come from a broken family, family that faces financial debts, youths that might have learning/physical disabilities

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23/01/22 18:30:32

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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23/01/22 15:04:13

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

\"Youth-at-risk\" are youths who typically come from volatile family situations and behave in unscrupulous activities, usually encouraged by other youths who are of similar risk.

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23/01/22 15:04:13

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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23/01/22 14:38:04

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

According to MSF\'s Youth-At-Risk Engagement framework, youth-at-risk include 12-21 year olds who have at-risk traits such as conduct issues, peer or family relationship issues, social difficulties, dependence/addiction issues , incarceration of parents or significant care-giver, etc.

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23/01/22 14:38:04

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Learning to learn

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23/01/22 13:17:27

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Not getting opportunities

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23/01/22 13:17:27

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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23/01/22 10:16:56

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are exposed to an environment where they may be influenced negatively into actions that harm themselves or others

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23/01/22 10:16:56

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Making coffee as a barista

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23/01/22 08:12:03

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

acts of delinquency, poor communication skills, unhealthy network of friends etc.

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23/01/22 08:12:03

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Data Analytics

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23/01/22 06:58:16

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are exposed to social ills that may cause them to fall into committing crimes and drop out of school. Lack of support from family members.

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23/01/22 06:58:16

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Financial awareness and entrepreneurship.

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23/01/22 06:49:24

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Speaking from someone who was a troublemaker, when youths display unusual behaviors, all they have something common which is attention.

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23/01/22 06:49:24

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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23/01/22 06:03:44

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth not meaningfully engaged / out of school youth

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23/01/22 06:03:44

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

How to present yourself to employee

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23/01/22 05:49:50

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

alot of factors e.g. family background ses status, learning environment, social circle etc. that contribute to a skewed development into adulthood (idk; im quite dumb)

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23/01/22 05:49:50

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

stonks stonks stonks. i want to learn how to invest.

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23/01/22 05:22:35

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths that aren\'t productive apparently.

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23/01/22 05:22:35

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Studying stars I guess.

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23/01/22 02:47:50

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Troubled teens in need of guidance

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23/01/22 02:47:50

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

People and Workplace Networking

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23/01/22 00:23:50

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

general term for a range of circumstances that place young people at greater vulnerability for problem behaviors, such as substance abuse, school failure, and delinquency,

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23/01/22 00:23:50

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Oral and written communication skills. Since i am a generally shy person, i would like to voice out my thoughts and opinions more to communicate better.

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23/01/22 00:07:48

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are prone to actions and decisions that affects themselves and/or others around them negatively(in various ways). These can stem from various different causes.

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23/01/22 00:07:48

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Computer programming

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22/01/22 17:53:26

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Vulnerable youths without a protective guardian, those without a proper role model whom they can follow, those who are easily influenced and are surrounded by the wrong types of people

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22/01/22 17:53:26

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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Tommy Koh

22/01/22 17:04:55

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth who are not connected to at least one network of support (e.g. family, school). In this specific project, perhaps youth without income for more than six months but actively looking for a job.

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Tommy Koh

22/01/22 17:04:55

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Hairdressing. Though skills are not isolated -- plus if a mentor in employed with no intention of leaving, the purpose of picking up this skill (interest) would be different from the mentee\'s (employment) which may entail different baselines of knowledge.

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22/01/22 14:47:03

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are exposed to risk factors like loan sharking activities, vandalism and others, usually their parents can no longer control them.

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22/01/22 14:47:03

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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22/01/22 07:15:27

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Individuals aged 15 to 35 who lack a dependable and trustworthy adult figure in their lives to guide them and provide them with the right kind of advices so that they wouldn\'t stray from the right path

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22/01/22 07:15:27

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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22/01/22 05:00:35

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths that dont have a sense of direction in life due to whatever they are facing. Instead of wanting to work harder to achieve bettwr for themselves, they dont have the will to do so. Also depending on the influence and upbringing.

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22/01/22 05:00:35

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Initiative and enterprise

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22/01/22 03:43:30

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Teenagers who are in a vulnerable circumstance like drug abuse, school failure and mental disorders

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22/01/22 03:43:30

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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22/01/22 02:28:43

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Aged 15-24, those who are from incomplete family and/or lack one or bOTH parent-figure role model, is a bully or victim of bully at any setting, those who had experienced major trauma or stress in the early stages of their lives, and those with strong family history of depression/anxiety/adhd/personality disorder.

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22/01/22 02:28:43

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Video/film editing

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21/01/22 13:57:03

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Not so well to do background with personal issues

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21/01/22 13:57:03

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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21/01/22 11:08:42

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Curiosity - when youth tries sometime because they are curious about it but it may have serve consequences.

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21/01/22 11:08:42

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Ethical Hacking

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21/01/22 10:41:07

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Someone who does not have a good support system whether at home or with their peers

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21/01/22 10:41:07

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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21/01/22 07:12:06

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

youth under probation

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21/01/22 07:12:06

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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21/01/22 02:27:09

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth that are vulnerable to vices

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21/01/22 02:27:09

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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20/01/22 18:49:38

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

not being able to do something they like because of financial implications.

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20/01/22 18:49:38

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

baber skills

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20/01/22 14:44:35

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Having negative thoughts constantly or having bad habits

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20/01/22 14:44:35

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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20/01/22 14:13:18

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Can look up MSF\'s definition.

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20/01/22 14:13:18

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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20/01/22 10:05:23

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Gives youths a chance to learn new skills

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20/01/22 10:05:23

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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20/01/22 08:01:13

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

I would define it as youths who shows constant failure academically, being abused in school or acting in a juvenile manner towards others

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20/01/22 08:01:13

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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Thilda Ting

20/01/22 07:38:01

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

People below aged 18 who had an unfortunate past.

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Thilda Ting

20/01/22 07:38:01

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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19/01/22 17:01:28

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Young people who need help to gain and improve new skills for their future

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19/01/22 17:01:28

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Barista skill

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19/01/22 10:58:54

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Vulnerable youths planning or/and doing illegal activities

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19/01/22 10:58:54

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Connectivity and human/company communications

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19/01/22 10:32:21

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths that go astray

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19/01/22 10:32:21

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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19/01/22 09:47:54

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Have been sent to juvenile rehabilitation centres before

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19/01/22 09:47:54

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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19/01/22 09:33:44

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

People aged between 16-25 years old, vulnerable to mental and behavioural problems.

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19/01/22 09:33:44

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Graphic Design

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19/01/22 02:53:20

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths that come from broken families or have had traumatic experiences.

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19/01/22 02:53:20

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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19/01/22 02:18:42

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth that have gone through difficulties during their growing up years and may retaliate in the future.

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19/01/22 02:18:42

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Coding or digital illustration

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19/01/22 01:23:35

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

To me, youth-at-risk are those who are nearing the edge of making choices that will affect their future in the long run. Choices such as drug addiction, dropping out of school and breaking the law.

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19/01/22 01:23:35

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

I would like to further improve my communication skills, as the more I meet new people the more well-versed my communication skills should be, and there is never enough learning.

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18/01/22 23:36:57

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who mix with the wrong company, and are susceptible to fall into crime or poverty.

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18/01/22 23:36:57

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Full Stack Development

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Ting Joe Li Zhou

18/01/22 19:51:29

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth who do not have proper guidance from a mentor that is able to teach them the rights from the wrongs. Youths who also hang out in bad company without a mentor to be a role model for them such that they may take the bad company as a role model and follow them unknowingly.

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Ting Joe Li Zhou

18/01/22 19:51:29

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Public presentation and IT skills

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Zhou Wei Xian

18/01/22 12:59:37

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Deliquency and gangs .

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Zhou Wei Xian

18/01/22 12:59:37

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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18/01/22 12:56:27

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

A young and impressionable person who is susceptible to be led down the wrong path into engaging in illegal or unproductive activities

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18/01/22 12:56:27

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Digital skills - website management, warehouse systems, supply chain ordering systems - practical uses

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18/01/22 12:23:56

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Vulnerable and wasted potential

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18/01/22 12:23:56

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Barista or tutoring and even cashiering

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Lim Jing Jie

18/01/22 10:32:36

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are disadvantaged, in terms of education, financially, socially (mixing with bad company and not prosocial peers). Essentially susceptible to committing offences because of such disadvantages.

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Lim Jing Jie

18/01/22 10:32:36

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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18/01/22 07:47:50

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Not able to find a job, lack of communication skills

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18/01/22 07:47:50

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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18/01/22 06:46:06

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth who are addicted to vices, resulting in failing grades and worsening of mental health

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18/01/22 06:46:06

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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18/01/22 05:37:13

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths not knowing they have poor mental health and little to no access to mental health resources or help.

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18/01/22 05:37:13

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Administraton/Microsoft office

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17/01/22 14:20:32

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

youth who has the tendency to commit crimes in the future

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17/01/22 14:20:32

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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14/01/22 12:59:29

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"


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14/01/22 12:59:29

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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12/01/22 07:06:13

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Not attending lessons in school & rascals at home.

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12/01/22 07:06:13

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

F & B & courses that they can be engaged, interested & good to use in their future career.

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10/01/22 15:37:08

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

those who mix with the wrong company

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10/01/22 15:37:08

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

negotiation skills

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05/01/22 12:54:17

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

A youth that has abused substances, has mental health challenges etc.

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05/01/22 12:54:17

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Communications/Ways to express yourself.

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04/01/22 14:45:56

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths that do not have the right environment, usually those who are having bad family situations at home

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04/01/22 14:45:56

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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04/01/22 14:32:49

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth from lower income families

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04/01/22 14:32:49

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Technical skills like design, video editing and perhaps even storytelling.

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04/01/22 14:28:05

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who grow up in dysfunctional families / environment who lack privilege of guidance and advice from trusted people around them

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04/01/22 14:28:05

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Programming / IT related skills

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04/01/22 14:10:04

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Exposing them to activites which will cause harm than benefits to their daily life. Without risk, nobody can grow up

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04/01/22 14:10:04

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Healthy mentality or high EQ is important

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04/01/22 13:14:08

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who lack proper support systems(they do not have other people to support/guide them)

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04/01/22 13:14:08

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Problem solving

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04/01/22 12:48:58

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

When they become delinquents or mix with delinquent peers.

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04/01/22 12:48:58

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Technical skills like email or interview skills

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04/01/22 10:40:21

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are uncertain about their future, unable to process their emotions & thoughts.

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04/01/22 10:40:21

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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04/01/22 09:25:20

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

exposure of risk a youth might face, not being able to recognise own skills and strengths

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04/01/22 09:25:20

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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03/01/22 22:35:02

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Who are not aware of their own strength and weaknesses.

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03/01/22 22:35:02

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Effective Communication

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03/01/22 17:27:55

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

General vulnerability or higher exposure to risks in life such as mental abuse, physical abuse and such

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03/01/22 17:27:55

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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03/01/22 17:17:51

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are underprivileged, are of a lower SES, and have grown up in a challenging environment since young.

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03/01/22 17:17:51

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Data science

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03/01/22 17:08:34

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths under the age of 25, who grew up being exposed to difficult circumstances beyond their own control.

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03/01/22 17:08:34

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Coding in multipl languages

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03/01/22 16:39:48

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth-at-risk is one who is very unstable emotionally and mentally.

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03/01/22 16:39:48

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Data Analytics

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03/01/22 16:30:33

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who were brought up in broken families, or parents who often neglect them.

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03/01/22 16:30:33

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Public Speaking

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Krithika Prabhakar

03/01/22 15:26:59

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"


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Krithika Prabhakar

03/01/22 15:26:59

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Use of adobe products

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03/01/22 14:58:05

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

youths who are deprived of the resources or support needed to lead a fruitful/triumphant life

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03/01/22 14:58:05

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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03/01/22 14:45:15

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths that are more susceptible to going astray due to environment/ circumstance

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03/01/22 14:45:15

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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03/01/22 13:36:08

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Lost. Almost at every stage there is one point of time when you are not sure if you are right or wrong. Youth-at-risk is when you are unaware. Mainly feeling lost.

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03/01/22 13:36:08

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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03/01/22 11:59:23

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

They may be someone who does not have a clear passion/goal.

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03/01/22 11:59:23

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Flexibility of learning.

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03/01/22 11:03:40

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Those who come from families with poor backgrounds.

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03/01/22 11:03:40

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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03/01/22 10:53:34

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Growing up environment plays a big role in our lives. Parents being overprotective, neglecting their child or setting bad example/behaviour might caused youth going to a wrong track.

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03/01/22 10:53:34

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Communication and presentation skills.

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03/01/22 08:56:41

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

people who don\'t have the resources or skillsets to cope with life\'s challenges

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03/01/22 08:56:41

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

people skills

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03/01/22 08:50:22

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Anyone who don’t feel like themselves

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03/01/22 08:50:22

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

software shortcuts

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03/01/22 05:03:52

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth that are helpless and do not know which is the appropriate channel to approach and seek help. These youth would generally look around the web such as Facebook, Tik Tok etc and gotten an inappropriate response from other users.

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03/01/22 05:03:52

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

An advanced manufacturing skill which could make use of digital technology to enhance life.

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02/01/22 20:10:31

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Meaning they are having Mental Stress that affect their daily life to complete tasks.

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02/01/22 20:10:31

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Gaming Design

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02/01/22 18:29:28

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Young people who are at greater vulnerability for problem behaviours such as juvenile delinquency, substance abuse and school failure. It could include those with mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.

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02/01/22 18:29:28

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Baking. I would like to take it up not only for employment opportunities, but also for self fulfillment.

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02/01/22 16:26:43

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

A youth who may not have as much privilege as others, i.e, unstable household, lower income, etc, and as a result of these factors, are more susceptible to engaging in delinquent activities.

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02/01/22 16:26:43

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Computer science

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02/01/22 14:56:55

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Someone who does not have a stable environment to grow up in, especially a lack of a mentor-figure in their lives

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02/01/22 14:56:55

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

I would like to learn more about digital marketing

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02/01/22 13:38:34

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

a situation/place that puts youth at a state of vulnerability and uncertainty that usually results in change of behaviour such as mental illness or substance abuse, being unable to control them because of the lack of help given/received.

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02/01/22 13:38:34

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

how to communicate efficiently!

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02/01/22 13:05:50

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who do not have role models at home or at least someone to be there to guide them when things are not easy, things go south or just turn out the way they did not expect

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02/01/22 13:05:50

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Barista skills

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02/01/22 11:33:38

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth Offenders, Youth with Family Problems, Youth with Mental Health Issues

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02/01/22 11:33:38

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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02/01/22 03:58:46

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Absence of proper housing conditions and employability

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02/01/22 03:58:46

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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01/01/22 21:10:27

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths that are lost without direction and vulnerable to bad temptations

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01/01/22 21:10:27

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Learning to cook

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01/01/22 17:14:57

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

more easily influenced youths. Stereotypically - lower income, absent parents (or family)...

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01/01/22 17:14:57

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Technical Skills - perhaps in Equipment management (e.g. machinery / sound / light etc.)

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01/01/22 15:35:22

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Lost youths that are deprived of basic moral and intellectual support

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01/01/22 15:35:22

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Coding and smart contract development

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01/01/22 14:00:40

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

I would define youth-at-risk as youths that have been identified to be displaying known traits, such as some form of delinquency, as mentioned in the product description.

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01/01/22 14:00:40

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

One employable skill I personally would like to learn is some form of data science, such as data visulisation, as I feel that it is extremely useful in tetiary education onwards in a multitude of study fields, as well as in the workforce.

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01/01/22 11:57:09

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths that are engaging in vices that they should not be exposed to

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01/01/22 11:57:09

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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01/01/22 10:58:26

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

A young person who is vulnerable to \'problematic behaviors\', e.g. delinquency, substance abuse etc. typically due to social factors like an abusive family environment, lack of access to proper support, peer pressure etc.

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01/01/22 10:58:26

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Digital marketing, Online business, SEO etc.

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01/01/22 09:12:34

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

youths that is stressed or suffers from some mental health problems, and do not get the appropriate help they need.

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01/01/22 09:12:34

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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01/01/22 09:02:28

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth who are at a higher chance to fall into crime-related activities `

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01/01/22 09:02:28

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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01/01/22 08:58:44

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

They are young teens under immense stress in our society without any guidance to go about handling their situation. Which in turn, makes them susceptible to act based on emotion which often times leads them down the wrong path. A dysfunctional home, hanging with bad company and smoking are major driving factors at such a young age brings negativity in their life.

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01/01/22 08:58:44

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Coding or web design

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01/01/22 08:47:10

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

delinquents that have bad influences around them (secret gang members, alcohol or gambling addiction, broken families)

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01/01/22 08:47:10

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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01/01/22 08:44:06

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

A youth under negative influences such as drugs, with no one to support

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01/01/22 08:44:06

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Communication skills

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Jun kit

01/01/22 08:27:56

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Sucidal tendencies

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Jun kit

01/01/22 08:27:56

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

How to effectively work with others

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Dania Binte Mazrin

01/01/22 08:21:03

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

I define youth-at-risk as young people who are vulnerable to problematic behaviours.

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Dania Binte Mazrin

01/01/22 08:21:03

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

One skill that I would like to learn is coding. Learning how to code enhances career prospects and demonstrates a willingness to learn. Coding is definitely the future.

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01/01/22 06:21:37

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Underprivileged in some manner (e.g. financially)

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01/01/22 06:21:37

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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01/01/22 05:39:42

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Factors such as being bullied, family and relationship issues that could affect the youth.

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01/01/22 05:39:42

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Handling stress in high pressure situations

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01/01/22 05:00:23

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

youths who are at risk of causing harm to self or others. t

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01/01/22 05:00:23

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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31/12/21 18:43:47

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Extreme mood swings and self multation

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31/12/21 18:43:47

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Time management

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31/12/21 14:23:58

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Social upbringing and financial background

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31/12/21 14:23:58

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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31/12/21 07:21:10

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Someone who is full of negative thoughts and are not able to find joy in their life.

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31/12/21 07:21:10

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Soft skills which is applicable to work

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31/12/21 07:05:11

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

It may have many meanings, I\'ll define it as a youth who does not have a goal in life.Leading to delinquency.

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31/12/21 07:05:11

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

How to make customers/users countinuously browse / walkin the website /company.

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Woo Chun Peng

31/12/21 06:51:24

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Similar to Mid-life crisis where youth find themselves lost and also have difficulty to balance work life and education

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Woo Chun Peng

31/12/21 06:51:24

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Emotional Intelligence, learning to control oneself emotion is fairly important in the context of a working environment especially in a team setting as being able to control one’s feeling in situation that does not favours the opinion of the others. I feel that this skill is important in Singapore which the country has high percentage of people including youth that’s faces work life stress which may affect their actions.

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Nina Leong

31/12/21 06:45:17

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Vulnerable young individuals (10 to 18 years old) without having close adult role models to guide them in their development thus they are showing signs of destructive behaviour or facing challenges in life that require this programme\'s help and support

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Nina Leong

31/12/21 06:45:17

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Financial literacy

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31/12/21 06:37:29

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who need help

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31/12/21 06:37:29

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Open atitude

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31/12/21 04:04:52

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

social problems / mixing with bad company

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31/12/21 04:04:52

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

IT skills

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30/12/21 23:54:32

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

a youth that doesn’t have the privilege of having basic necessities and guidance in life

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30/12/21 23:54:32

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

how to program

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Ailin Cheau

30/12/21 17:19:47

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

People that are very stressed and need help but are unable to get any

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Ailin Cheau

30/12/21 17:19:47

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Design thinking

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30/12/21 12:01:39

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth who faced uncertainty and lost yet not given any support

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30/12/21 12:01:39

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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30/12/21 11:04:05

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth that may need some support to level up with others.

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30/12/21 11:04:05

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

People management skills

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30/12/21 10:35:34

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth lost at what they want to do in life

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30/12/21 10:35:34

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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30/12/21 10:28:35

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are in that circumstances of vulnerability for problematic behaviour such as substance abuse and juvenile delinquency.

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30/12/21 10:28:35

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Project management

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30/12/21 09:15:01

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

In my take, youth-at-risk refers to people who are still in the stage where they are exposed to many different things in life which may dictate which direction or path they will head towards in the future. In more specific terms, they are youngsters who are the most susceptible to positive and negative influences from people around them since they are in the midst of growing up and are more prone to following what they deem as norm. All in all, there are many factors which can affect their choices in life (eg: family, financially, mentally, relationships, interests).

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30/12/21 09:15:01

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

I would like to learn more about communication skills as I think it is one of the most important aspect in the real world.

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Jordain Tay

30/12/21 03:00:35

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are from families that are underprivileged, single parent families, or just simply youths who are under bad influence/vices etc.

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Jordain Tay

30/12/21 03:00:35

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Computing, Social Media Marketing skills, Blockchain Technology, Game design

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29/12/21 19:07:17

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youth that are lost and without directions. Youth that are surrounded by negative influences. Youth with parenting methods that they cannot get along with. Youth who mix with bad influences because of family issues and they find comfort with friends who accepts them.

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29/12/21 19:07:17

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Baking, Cooking, Hair Styling, Grooming, Digital Media Skills, Computing.

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29/12/21 01:12:46

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

I think mainly youths who are considerably older and still have to goal or ideal job in life.

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29/12/21 01:12:46

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Mabye how to design games as I feel that this few years more and more people has gotten into gaming and in the future gaming might become a big industry with many different job opportunities

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28/12/21 12:04:19

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Youths who are of age that are susceptible to negative influences, perhaps feeling troubled by family/personal issues, financial/school/relationship, etc..

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28/12/21 12:04:19

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

Dessert making, something sweet

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27/12/21 15:23:50

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Any youth who meets certain demographic criteria. (e.g. Low(er) SES, broken families etc.)

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27/12/21 15:23:50

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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26/12/21 14:50:16

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

People that display problematic behaviour

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26/12/21 14:50:16

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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25/12/21 17:26:52

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

youth with a unsuitable environment that can cause drawbacks in the choices/opportunities they take.

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25/12/21 17:26:52

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."

an IT skill thats not coding, idk what others there are, but coding has resources, so something else.

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25/12/21 04:17:14

In response to "How do you define youth-at-risk?"

Young people who may have a tendency to engage in destructive behaviour.

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25/12/21 04:17:14

In response to "One employable skill you would like to learn."


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23/01/22 18:30:32

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

How will this be different from an internship?

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23/01/22 15:04:13

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Although it is good to provide skills and work experience in a safe environment, there are more factors at play here than is considered. Firstly, there needs to be a bonding session between the volunteer and beneficiary to inculcate trust and familiarity between the two to ensure that the youth at risk(YAR) will feel safe in stepping into unknown territories. This will also ensure that the YAR will be able to have the mentor as a support system when they face challenges either at work, or in their personal lives. Hopefully, this would be a bridge to help these YARs get out of their delinquent environments. These bonding sessions should typically take place every month, and can also serve as a career mentoring session with the YAR. The mentor can take the YAR out for a meal and check up on the YAR\'s progress, as well as impart their career knowledge. Furthermore, YARs typically live in un-condusive environments and are unable to practice the skills that they learn. They might also have chaotic schedules due to their family situations, so they might be unable to attend classes or meetings. In the case of online meetings or classes, YARs typically share a household device and do not have access to the device at all times as other members might be using it. These are some potential problems that need to be considered.

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23/01/22 14:38:04

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Having a volunteer based model works and it is good that a volunteer and beneficiary can have a shared experience. Beyond this, would also be good to look other agents/agencies of change to involve so that youths-at-risk may receive continued community based support to realise their dreams.

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23/01/22 10:16:56

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

How would you incentivise the businesses to take part in this aside from just for the good cause?

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23/01/22 06:58:16

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

More supports from grass root level.

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23/01/22 06:49:24

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Its hard to get youths as volunteers especially \' youths-at-risk\'. They don\'t really know what they want. When it comes to volunteer, it becomes a chore instead of having a new skillset. Understanding what they want and showing them that its okay to show unusual behaviors. Hands-on methods or a \' mere distraction\' to keep them \'busy\' and from there, they will find their interest. Its a bonus if the skillsets they are learning from is someone who used to be \'youths-at-risk\'. Personally, they think alike and able to shape these youths. Other than that, its good to have these project that encourages them.

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23/01/22 06:03:44

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Include topics or possibility of having jobs opportunities or even internship where youth can get exposure to dream job and be inspired to work to their dreams. Possibility to even work with partners for a systemic approach to assist the at risk youth with education and career.

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23/01/22 05:49:50

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

its actually pretty good. just that i feel that there may be problems with the implementation and result part of this. i think most importantly these small businesses be greatly advertised/publicized and \'rewarded/compensated\' (idk vocab bad) for being roped in, because its also difficult for them to train/mentor these teens while trying to run a business. also, it would be helpful if there is some sort of legit certification after such courses are completed, so as to add to resume for future job applications.

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23/01/22 02:47:50

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

This project sounds amazing and exciting, but what if they have no interest in anything, no other hobbies? An incentive could be for them to have more community hours, and if they have turned to delinquency, this could be a way they pay back their hours. Otherwise, for those already in Educational Institutions, this could be an option in their modules as I doubt youth-at-risks would openly seeks opportunities such as these, as beneficial to them as they sound. Many at-risk teens look for self-advantages and how they can benefit from situations, so teaching them how they can serve and give back to the community would be the first step to helping them back on the right track. I\'m definitely rooting for this project, it\'s so necessary for youth right now!

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23/01/22 00:07:48

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Local small businesses are a good start. At a higher level, could consider interested professionals looking to volunteer their time off their own working hours or as they deem acceptable. We can also try to consider that some youths might face issues with family that is controlling or have other responsibilities that they chose to undertake in the case of caring for a sibling when having busy or neglecting parents or financial issues with families. In this case they might have to consider choosing between \"now\" or \"later\" <-- in this case they might or might not understand that this mentorship could be good for them, they might also not be able to grasp the schedule or easily put off by exhaustion/etc to put enough effort in. Consider being \'flexible\'.

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22/01/22 17:53:26

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Make these types of surveys more recognisable and popular by advertising on more social media sites as ads like Facebook, twitter, tiktok

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Tommy Koh

22/01/22 17:04:55

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Depending on who the intended mentors are, there may be limited value in getting mentors and mentees to learn in a field separate from the mentor\'s own, since they would have the greatest expertise in that field. Team may wish to review if this is intended as a personal interest endeavor on the part of mentors. Regardless, may be useful to identify mentors from the intended fields.

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22/01/22 14:47:03

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Engage the parents of the youths, so that the youths can receive encouragement from their parents when their parents see that their children are adding value to the lives of people around them! Positive reinforcements from loved ones can go a long way, even after the programme ends :)

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22/01/22 07:15:27

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I think this is really an amazing project, a great opportunity for both volunteers and the beneficiaries. However, one key point to note is that I believe the volunteers should also be trained to communicate and guide youths-at-risk. As the pair goes for more of such activities, it\'s inevitable for friendships and bonds to be formed. Since the beneficiaries are youths at risk, i think it\'s really important for the volunteers to have the credentials and experience to guide the beneficiary, especially if the beneficiary were to consult the volunteers for advices on some aspects of their lives / any difficulties they face. It\'s important that the volunteers know how to respond and not just dismiss the problems shared. Perhaps your team could look into working with some community partners to ensure volunteers have some form of trainings and certifications before joining the project.

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22/01/22 05:00:35

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Keeping up with them even after the mentoring would be great in showing that you are looking out for them and so the theses youths at risk feel more needed.

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22/01/22 03:43:30

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Maybe can add on through what portals youths can sign up to be part of this program, is it for every youth that comes, if not is there a selection criteria :) jia you!!

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22/01/22 02:28:43

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

You can also offer seminars and or workshops for the parents/guardians of the youths-at-risk with professional experts of the subject matter to educate them on how to behave/speak/discipline their children/ward the appropriate way at home as it is where they spend a big part of their time in and where it begins. Support starts from where it matters most.

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21/01/22 11:08:42

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Create avenue where youth can get their curiosity fulfil but in a safe environment

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21/01/22 10:41:07

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I think the idea is great. Maybe the next step is how to get a wider range of corporate partners?

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21/01/22 07:12:06

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

collab with youth@sg

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21/01/22 02:27:09

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Engaging young adults that in poly or Uni that are pursing a course that are relevant to take on a buddy and support role

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20/01/22 14:44:35

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

How to attract volunteers to actually learn with beneficiaries (in terms of scheduling/timings)?

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20/01/22 14:13:18

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

It is very similar to existing programme for youth at risk. You may want to look at how the current programmes run by social service agencies work and explore what is lacking and tackle the gap.

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20/01/22 10:05:23

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Create more opportunities for them to learn more about the importance of life skills

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20/01/22 08:01:13

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I agree with the professions that were mentioned! Learning skills such as being a barista and baking would not be time consuming so as to affect their current studies. I would suggest to introduce other skills as well that are currently in demand. While computing is a rather more in depth skill, I believe it would be very useful! Maybe snippets of these careers could be shown and some activities could be done to gather the interest of the students too

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19/01/22 17:01:28

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Give specific age for the youth-at-risk

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19/01/22 10:58:54

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Idea sounds good but should contain contingencies like what if one party is not interested or conflict in personality/communication between volunteers and beneficiaries

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19/01/22 09:47:54

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Perhaps include statistics on which industries require more/less manpower so that the youths have greater accurate information.

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19/01/22 09:33:44

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

As a youth, I am excited for this idea to materialise! I would like to add on 2 suggestions: 1. Expand scope of partners - Apart from partnering with local small businesses, you may identify individuals who were youth-at-risk as well to mentor the future youth-at-risk. Not all the skills that youths may want to learn may come from small businesses. Also, individuals may have more time to mentor the youths compared to business owners. 2. Internship/Part-time work convertibility option - After learning the ropes from their mentors, partners may extend the option of working part-time or doing internships with them if the youths and mentors are keen to have them work longer. This allows youths to earn some pocket money and doing what they like. For mentors, they gain from having additional manpower to help out!

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19/01/22 02:53:20

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

It would be helpful if there was a reward system for the youths, e.g. popular vouchers/bubble tea vouchers when they master a certain level of the skill that they are interested in. This may motivate them to continue on in the programme and make their day! Another rationale for this is that some of these youths at risk may be from families that are struggling financially, and these activities may take up time that they could use to find work and/or study. The rewards may give them a little more incentive to train up themselves in these skills.

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19/01/22 02:18:42

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Just my two-cents: by making the program \"for youth-at-risk\", am not sure if this will cause stigmatisation that will make the youths unwilling to participate or make them less susceptive? Is there a way to include some youths of the general population as well or will this make the program less targeted?

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19/01/22 01:23:35

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

If there was an outlet such as an app or website for said youth-at-risk who are aware of their current standing in life, but are too afraid or even ashamed to reach out for help, it would be great if they could anonymously sign up for this program and get themselves in a better position.

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18/01/22 23:36:57

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Attack the root cause of the problem. Oftentimes, the youths have no opportunity to mix with good company and/or get access to quality education due to certain socio-economic factors. I would think about how to stop a self-perpetuating cycle - ie: youths at risk give birth to children, where they grow up to be youths at risk - and address the problem at is source, such that they will be able to access education and opportunities very much like the majority of youths in Singapore.

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Ting Joe Li Zhou

18/01/22 19:51:29

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Advertise such programs heavily using social media; instead of just saying it as a guidance and mentoring program, such a project could be pushed as a \'platform to meet like-minded individuals\' or \'a place to meet new people and have fun together\' before bringing in all the guidance and mentoring. This is so people would not be defensive when they see words such as \'guidance\' or \'mentoring\' as many people would feel that there is nothing wrong with them and they are not in need for a mentor, even though they may be in that situation.

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Zhou Wei Xian

18/01/22 12:59:37

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

They should be taught to express themselves . Other than academic wise , they should be developed elsewhere such as sports . More languages should be taught to the energetic ones to make them more humane . 加油 。

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18/01/22 12:56:27

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Key barrier would also be engaging with the youths - where and how will we even get the youths to partake in this wonderful program?

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18/01/22 12:23:56

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

It sounds like a viable idea. To make this initiative more credible , you guys could think about giving official certificates to people who have finished the courses. You can also partner with polytechnics or universities to authorise such courses as well. This official very can then help them earn a job with ease.

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Lim Jing Jie

18/01/22 10:32:36

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I imagine working with or helping the youths-at-risk require a holistic approach because of the complexity of issue and the specificity of each case. I feel that having a program to teach youths employable skillset sounds great but not everyone of them will appreciate or be interested in picking up a skill. What if they are bogged down by the responsibility to care for another sibling, or they have a learning disability which is undiagnosed which cause them to be unable to concentrate in school. They possibilities are pretty vast and i think that while this program can help some, it is not one for every youth. There probably needs to be a good selection/filtering guide to sieve potential youths who can benefit from it, and partnerships with other agencies/programs providers to refer the youths who are unsuitable and may have to deal with other more pressing needs than gaining an employable skillset.

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18/01/22 07:47:50

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Promote this concept via social media. Reach out to the target audience. The volunteer is like a friend, guiding them towards the working industry. picking up a new hobby or skill can enhance on what they want to achieve in life.

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18/01/22 06:46:06

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

It seems like an ideal solution to help youth-at-risk. I think the concern would be how to vet the suitability of mentors as well as how to ensure this mentoring relationship stays beyond the programme.

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18/01/22 05:37:13

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Having the possibility of employment conversion after the mentoring program with a recognised certificates that allows them to find jobs elsewhere.

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14/01/22 12:59:29

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Helping youths to be exposed and gain understanding of the different industries and professions is very useful in helping youths to find and create their purpose. - I feel that it will be useful to hold this mentoring programmes for students maybe towards the end of secondary school for them to find their interest and passion in the different industries and professions. Instead of focusing on youths who are already at risk, it will be good to come in at the point where they are most likely to become delinquents. I feel that if they found their purpose/interests, they might spend more time pursing and discovering their interests as it will give them a sense of satisfaction they might be craving for. - I believe the team has planned activities from different industries and professions, but I feel that it is important to include all possible jobs for the youths to explore and experience. Maybe give the youths an option to dive deep into a profession if they already have a strong interest in, or allow them to scratch the surface of all the interests that have to help them discover themselves. Good luck! :)

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12/01/22 07:06:13

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Bonding & hand in hand to nurture them to learn on the job & the right path for education successfully. Whether they can intern with allowance, happy on the job can always turn to the mentors for help.

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10/01/22 15:37:08

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

The problem may be engaging with these youth in the first place - how do you convince them to break out of negative peer pressure and question their friends\' choices and make choices of their own?

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04/01/22 14:45:56

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

More than just a skill, these youths-at-risk needs proper environment and guidance. learning these skills and giving them a platform to shine, such that they might earn something they are proud of by themselves, that is one part. The other part is that they have an environment that extends beyond working time. Suggestions to have small groups where youths in the program can hang out, share with each other their experiences, success and failures. with mentors facilitating. also can consider have alumni program for the youths who graduated from the program to come back as seniors. so that they can keep being around the supportive environment and that can reduce the chance and time they mix with wrong group of people. a key question would be how do you intend to identify and reach out to these youths in the first place?

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04/01/22 14:32:49

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I can see potential in the solution but the matching needs to be better define. Is this like a traineeship or apprenticeship for underprivileged children or can it be improved in support and impact.

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04/01/22 14:28:05

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Matching of beneficiaries to volunteers is important to ensure higher chances of engagement, chemistry and suitability to successfully develop this mentorship. Perhaps a survey / activity could be done to match preferences, common aims of this programme etc

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04/01/22 13:14:08

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

The volunteers could have one-on-one talks with the beneficiaries, give them feedback on their performance at their jobs and constantly encourage them.

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04/01/22 12:48:58

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Showing examples and diagrams

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04/01/22 10:40:21

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

How to attract these youths at risk to come on board with this mentoring programme as many youths today are more interested in just living their own life and not caring about everything else. I have had experience with many 16 year olds and it\'s difficult to talk to them about building themselves up for the future because they aren\'t even sure if they would be alive a year down the road. So I would suggest being able to partner up with different industry from creative, to F&B to sports, to even video games so as to offer a wide variety of interest to attract these youths. It would give youths a chance to learn new skills and find their purpose there.

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04/01/22 09:25:20

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

More talks and consultations to help understand youth better, allow youth to also better understand themselves and know their own strength and weaknesses

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03/01/22 22:35:02

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

To improve community exposure by adding more advertisement or giving out brochures near the neighbourhood. Reach out and collaborate with institutions to engage more young adults who are in need potentially.

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03/01/22 17:27:55

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

To have a more detailed and structured timeline and plan for both volunteer and benefactor so as to better understand the end goal and target for the benefactor to work towards. Pairing of the right benefactor to volunteer would be of utmost importance based on character, past experiences (to relate), hence some form of character profiling matching might work.

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03/01/22 17:17:51

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Am curious to know what the problem definition is - what are the barriers to youth at risk taking up mentorships and picking up new skills? Would it be the lack of time? Would it be that volunteers\' profiles are not as relatable? I see alot of projects/initiatives that seek to increase mentoring or opportunities to pick up useful skills and even internships, what would be the key selling point that differentiates this initiative from am otherwise satuated space?

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03/01/22 17:08:34

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Engage primary/secondary schools to provide workshops or seminars by volunteers who have went through the same issues and emerged stronger, so that it is more relatable and gives YARs a desirable role model.

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03/01/22 15:47:53

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

As this is an idea, there remains much to be explored. How will the costs be covered for example?

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Krithika Prabhakar

03/01/22 15:26:59

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

One of the advantages of mentoring is that it is topic-agnostic. However, this universality can be overpowering, giving the impression that mentors must have extensive knowledge in a variety of fields. Making mentorship a hot issue can assist to address these problems. For aspiring mentors, defining a topic clarifies the scope of the relationship and makes finding mentors easier. Because a mentor for one topic might also be a mentee for another, this technique has inherent flexibility.

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03/01/22 14:58:05

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

i think outreach and raising awareness is quite important as some of these youths might not even know of these opportunities that can better their lives. emotional well being is also quite important aspect eg they should not be faced with stigma or prejudice in their workplaces

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03/01/22 14:45:15

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

There should be more emphasis on these youths at risk and how to really engage them in the long run. The mentoring system should last even after the program ends to ensure that these youths remain on the right track and this can be done either through the mentors or the businesses that will hopefully give them a job where they can have a safe space to voice their concerns and go to these people first instead of bad company when they face problems.

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03/01/22 13:36:08

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Taking leadership. Apart from mentoring. Being a youth, I don\'t mind doing junior roles and learning. However when will be the time to come up and make decisions. Everyone have to go through this stage.

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03/01/22 11:59:23

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

There may not be many outlets for youths to experience at, it may be demoralizing for those not chosen for the opportunity.

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03/01/22 11:03:40

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

What age and type of youths would you take in? Those who are in need of welfare or those who are undergoing correction?

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03/01/22 08:56:41

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

the volunteer can be a mentor a few years older, and ideally have some experience with the skillset they and the mentee are passionate in

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03/01/22 05:03:52

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Project add one more should be widely promoted and reach out to the other youth in need. They could be road show in schools to promote

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02/01/22 20:10:31

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Can some interactive games to interact with teams and more tips on improving coping our mental health when dealing with colleagues and bosses.

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02/01/22 18:29:28

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

To enhance clarity, perhaps the sources of volunteers could be stated under Project Description. Would they be from tertiary institutions, young working adults or older adults looking to mentor? How would different pools of volunteers make this project a success, and how would matching be done? One other aspect to think about would be the tracking and following up of the volunteers and beneficiaries. Who would be in charge of the learning journey (project team or volunteers), and how would the process be tracked (logbook, journal, video recording, posting onto a group platform)? I like this project, and I hope to see it come to fruition! - Gracia

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02/01/22 16:26:43

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

You could teach skills that would allow beneficiaries to be more future ready for new jobs that will be created.

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02/01/22 14:56:55

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

One of the things you can look at is how do you ensure sustainability? Because in the proposed model, both the volunteer and youth have to commit to learning something together to learn a skill, however, is it possible for the youths to explore different skills/opportunities? Would the mentor have to change everytime the youth decides to try something new? In that case how would we ensure a constant pillar of support for these youths?

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02/01/22 13:38:34

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

provide a place to encourage youths to help when they are at their most vulnerable state. not only a place where they can be transparent with their feelings, but also how to cope in a new working environment and understand what they are going through. basically a counsellor but specializes in youths working their first few jobs and help with the overwhelming stress and environment

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02/01/22 13:05:50

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

combining respective skills learning together with the main would be ideal. i.e. when learning how to be a barista, include tips and tricks on customer service that can aid in jobs

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02/01/22 11:33:38

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Increase the audience range to not just Youth Offenders but even to Adult Offenders. Similarly, engage previous supportive offenders to be mentors. Sometimes, getting non-offenders or people with no prior experience may not be able to drive crucial learning points to the participants. Additionally, participants learn easier if their teachers and mentors can truly understand their situations. Doing such would allow Youth At Risk to understand the importance of what\'s necessary (or even what\'s right) and steer them away from any \"risky\" activities. Additionally, they have a platform to speak to people with experience so that they do not feel left out. Of course, this would be a two-way street and also ensure that Adults-At-Risk (or Adult Offenders) can learn, better empower themselves and give back to the society.

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02/01/22 03:58:46

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Find out the interests of youths and to the best of your ability, interest match them to skills upgrading courses - youths at risk tend to be disinterested in things they see no “fun” in.

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01/01/22 21:10:27

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Apart from just letting the beneficiaries learn, we could include a grading system where if their performance during the learning period is satisfactory and they proved themselves worthy, they could be awarded with a real job contract. This helps the beneficiaries stay on track even after the program ends for them.

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01/01/22 17:14:57

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I like the idea that the volunteer (corporate partners) and beneficiary (youths) will benefit from this program - getting paid while learning a skill is a good motivation. Reducing their \"idle\" time by working will be helpful for youths to focus on honing their skills. Hopefully, the youths will be guided by seniors in the workplace that resonates with the same values of the program though! (instead of meeting a bad influence at work)

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01/01/22 15:35:22

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

By providing an option for the beneficiary to teach future participants in future events which can allow them to use what they have to learn hands-on and provide them a platform to utilize their new set of skills while teaching others

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01/01/22 14:00:40

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

An improvement I can think of would be to set up some form of initiative for the product in secondary schools to improve the efficiency and usage of the product, as thats where the target audience are.

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01/01/22 10:58:26

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

If you want to target youth-at-risk, I think it is a good idea to match them with volunteers to teach them actual employable skills. However, what is more important than teaching them actual skills would be trying to understand WHY/HOW they ended up in their position in the first place. Please engage proper professionals to speak to them, really try to understand their family situation, what are the beliefs they hold & why they want to engage in \'delinquent activities\' rather than employment. If not, they will just learn the skill & then go back to what they were doing before. Understand the motivation behind their action, don\'t just teach them skills. I don\'t believe youth-at-risk lack ability. They lack intentionality & proper motivation; they don\'t see why they should work. Maybe they have reasons like lack of a proper family environment to go back to or some other factors. All the best

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01/01/22 09:02:28

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Not sure how this project will be different from all the other youth-at-risk initiatives out there. Maybe what yall can do is to find out what are the gaps of the existing initiatives and if your project can close these gaps.

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01/01/22 08:58:44

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Provide youth at risk with a safe place they can head to after school to do homework or have someone to talk to. For example, at a community centre, get teens in the neighborhood to sign up where they have a conducive environment and volunteers to lend a helping hand or talk to. This would at least provide them with a couple hours in a day where they are away from negativity.

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01/01/22 08:47:10

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I think you can consider the industries that might need more manpower too as the industries that the volunteer and beneficiary want might not be prominent/existent in heartlands, or might be facing a job shortage so to address this and keep the project ongoing, you can consider putting them in an industry that needs manpower and is equally fulfilling and rewarding as an alternative since it can provide key skills and necessary life lessons there as well.

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01/01/22 08:44:06

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Appeal towards youths and make it easier for them to sign up easily in order to teach them the skills that will prepare them for their workplace in the future. Teach them essential skills and not unnecessary skills. For eg, if they are not interested in coding, teach them skills that is not related to that.

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Dania Binte Mazrin

01/01/22 08:21:03

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I feel that there should be a greater emphasis on learning about transferable skills. Transferable skills are universally essential. When these youths have grown up and get an inkling of what they might want to become, despite not having all the necessary skills to land the job, they can still rely on the transferable skills that they have learned and use them to highlight their potential as an asset to the company.

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01/01/22 05:39:42

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Invite fellow youths that were previously delinquents to be a mentor, so as to allow them to better relate to youths-at-risk struggles and interests.

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01/01/22 05:00:23

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

On building partnerships with companies, it may not be easy given that the company probably has to allocate resources to allow for such a program to take place. there is no clear benefit for the company so it might be difficult to get them to sign up. maybe the team can explore having the program whereby the students learn a skill together with the youth-at-risk instead of making it a work attachment. this simplifies the project as you have one less stakeholder category to manage partnerships. On getting youth-at-risk involved, it might be good to collaborate with social service agencies that have existing relationships with such youths. this is because without some foundational level of trust or incentive/disincentive, getting them to sign up might also be difficult. lastly, for the volunteers, the benefit could be learning a new skill while also volunteering and doing good! I would think there would be volunteers that are keen! :)

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Karen Tan

01/01/22 04:55:34

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

More advertisement!!!More giveaway!!!

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31/12/21 18:43:47

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Sometimes it can be overwhelming for youths if too much is done so I suggest slowly easing them into it

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31/12/21 14:23:58

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Volunteers and beneficiary should undergo personality tests and matched with each other: https://www.thecolourworks.com/profiles/insights-discovery/ Reason: Mentors may not be compatible with mentee, or worse, clashing personalities. The right person for the right individual can make all the difference between successful mentorship or a failure.

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31/12/21 07:05:11

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Create an Act game of work scenario and make the youths to think.What would they do when this happens? This may get them to learn and not fall into delinquency.

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Woo Chun Peng

31/12/21 06:51:24

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Able to seek guidance from leaders/ management or peers to help to seek understanding and able to give property guidance on emotional intelligence

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Nina Leong

31/12/21 06:45:17

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

1) Need a substantial number of trained and experienced case worker to match the volunteer and beneficiary 2) Volunteer and beneficiary have to set SMART goals and agree on the goals in their mentoring partnership 3) Connect with other youth / community services that can help in ways to contribute to the mentoring program 4) Donation drives to support mentorship efforts 5) Early intervention will help break the cycle of destructive behaviour of the youth-at-risk 6) Decide on at which stage should the beneficiary \"graduate\" from this mentorship program and what other support can be given to them after their \"graduation\" from this program 7) Beyond learning an employable life skill, I would like to suggest to include supplementary sessions that inculcate soft skills such as emotion management, communication skills, how to relate to one another and in present times, the greater importance on mental wellness 8) A channel (chat box/email) to be opened to public so youths who are facing challenges and wishes to join the programme or a referral case from the public can contact the relevant in-charge for more details

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30/12/21 23:54:32

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

becoming more hands on and engaging with the youth

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30/12/21 12:01:39

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

How about looking beyond usual sector and invest these youths in innovative cleaning or technology related roles for youth at risk who can contribute their talent?

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30/12/21 11:04:05

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Perhaps have some conversational starters to help volunteers and beneficiary interact and bond.

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Jordain Tay

30/12/21 03:00:35

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I think one thing to really think about is how to entice and get these youths at risk on board because usually these youths would be disinterested and unengaged so it will be a challenge to bring them on board this mentoring programme. Also, perhaps you guys could think about what small businesses are you guys specifically looking at (which industries, functions) and to form partnerships with them, so when these youths learn new skills at these businesses, they can in turn work part time for them and put these skills into good use, forming good relations between both parties and a win-win for all.

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29/12/21 19:07:17

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I think even Shy Youth can also be at risk although they do not seems to rebel outwardly. The program is good as it encourages Youth at risk to gain more useful skills that fills up their void rather than rebelling and also provides them a way to hone their interest which can help them in their career. It also helps SME find interns or fulfil the shortage of manpower. The Youth can also be encourage to continue their interest as they are paired with volunteer in the program and also gain new influence and friendship.

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29/12/21 01:12:46

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Mabye instead of getting professionals to teach them new skills you could get people who once experienced the same thinking as them. Only then they will think that they might not nessesarly have a bad outcome but but might have a chance at being an engenier or a CEO, just as long as they buck up now and learn new skills before is too late. I think that one of the best motivation is hope, and once you put some hope in them I am sure that they will strive to learn new skills to not let your hope go to waste

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28/12/21 12:04:19

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

IMO, youth-at-risk does not necessarily mean engaging in delinquent activities. Well, they may be more susceptible, but different individuals would react differently to their environment. I guess what\'s important is to not assume of anything of the youth-at-risk.

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27/12/21 15:23:50

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

The team can consider thinking from the corporate partners\' perspective to make this more sustainable. What is in it for them? Why should they take on such a mentoring programme? How would they benefit from this partnership?

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25/12/21 17:26:52

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

maybe provide some mental aid too? and some bonding so that they have a network (trusted people) to seek out. so more than just making them a more employable person, they could feel more safe by themselves.

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25/12/21 04:17:14

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Maybe allow the option to sign up for a longer programme that allows the individual to rotate across businesses in different industries to see what they are like and to figure out what the individual would want to do in the future. At the end of the programme, perhaps they can be awarded with a certificate for completing the industry rotation and at least have basic employable skills across multiple industries.



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