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The Dream Artisans

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Problem Statement

1 in 10 seniors in Singapore are not satisfied with the number of opportunities available that will help them with achieving their dreams and aspirations in life.

How can seniors take charge in crafting their own successful ageing journey?

Project Description

The Dream Artisans is a launchpad for seniors to achieve their dreams and aspirations after retirement. Unlike generic short-term courses or activities for seniors where they participate for fun or to pass time, The Dream Artisans provides a personalised service that combines coaching with short-stint immersive experiences. The experiences are specially curated with our partners to match the seniors’ aspiration and skill level.

Project By: Ng Shi Min, Karen Wong, Eugene Law, Lan Yu, Lee Yun Qin

A Few Questions For You

How Can We Improve?


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25/01/22 04:21:49

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

Watching their children and grandchildren grow up well. Some of them are into painting, gardening and chess as well.

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25/01/22 04:21:49

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

When there is someone to encourage them and see the potential in them.

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23/01/22 17:16:16

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

Their next stage welfare. E.g Retirement Aspirations. Family Well-being.

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23/01/22 17:16:16

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

To lead a life they wanted. They have worked hard providing for their family, now is their time to focus on themselves and their quality of life.

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23/01/22 15:15:33

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

unfulfilled dream bring their life time

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23/01/22 15:15:33

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

step by step to achieve them, someone to push them,

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23/01/22 00:01:26

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

hmm dreams they forgot (or gave up on) over the years of their life?

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23/01/22 00:01:26

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

convincing them that they can!

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21/01/22 15:13:57

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

Their hobbies they did not managed to do while younger

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21/01/22 15:13:57

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

Convenient and availability for them

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20/01/22 05:12:03

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

Dreams that they could not fullfill when they are younger due to lack of courage, opportunity, finance or time.

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20/01/22 05:12:03

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

If it is convenient based on their current abilities and the accessibility of the team

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Li Wen

19/01/22 14:20:15

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

To be valued

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Li Wen

19/01/22 14:20:15

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

When they are empowered by people around them, when they have a guide to help them achieve their goals

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19/01/22 14:14:19

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

Peaceful retirement and healthy lifestyle.

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19/01/22 14:14:19

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

Effort and time and definitely an open mind

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18/01/22 14:22:12

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

I don\'t think I can answer this. You have to speak to the seniors.

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18/01/22 14:22:12

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

Family support.

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10/01/22 00:55:10

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

The type that they find fulfilment in

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10/01/22 00:55:10

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

By enjoying the process

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03/01/22 20:31:05

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

What they traded their time with when they are younger.

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03/01/22 20:31:05

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

Energy, resource.

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03/01/22 04:32:30

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

Dreams that they dreamed of in their youth

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03/01/22 04:32:30

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"

When they see that they can achieve it by taking that first step!

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31/12/21 14:07:53

In response to "What kind of dreams matter to seniors?"

What they couldn\'t do in their youth.

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31/12/21 14:07:53

In response to "What will inspire seniors to take action on their dreams?"


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23/01/22 17:16:16

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

A Goal plan for them to attain their dreams. How to Enjoy their retirement while still contributing to their Learning/ Growth.

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23/01/22 15:15:33

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

thinking of how you guys can monetise. but very interesting and meaningful idea. need to break the stigma of this wellness programme which is similar to counselling

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23/01/22 00:01:26

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

i think this initiative would be really sweet!! depending on the \'dream\', some elderly might fulfil their wishes more easily than others (e.g. seeing snow, learning how to skateboard VS wanting to become a singer) the scale of the dream matters a lot i feel? because the scale dictates the expectations that the person has for themselves and the dream that they had. hmm does that make sense. at that age, i suspect they would have gone through many many years of/reasons for putting off their dreams and wishes. it will be important to manage expectations and possibly reframe their dreams into an actionable plan - something that will convince them that, despite all the reasons why they haven\'t done it, it\'s not too late!

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20/01/22 05:12:03

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Make more awareness to elderlies and youngsters that their dream matters to regardless of their age. Hopefully have the young people support the elderlies just like how our elderly supported us.

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Li Wen

19/01/22 14:20:15

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Share a successful example of a senior who managed to take action on his/her dream and allow it to become an inspiration to others, in hope that they may also join in and take charge of their ageing journey.

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19/01/22 14:14:19

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

hey guys , just wondering the sustainability of this programme. Because the solution is very thoughtful and have the potential to help many people. So you guys could partner with many non-profit organisations

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18/01/22 14:22:12

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Work with social service agencies who are providing active ageing activities.

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10/01/22 00:55:10

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

You would have to find a way to get this message across to seniors, perhaps by setting booths at supermarkets and Hawker centres.

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03/01/22 20:31:05

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

Do a survey and ask elderly what they feel like they want to achieve.

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03/01/22 04:32:30

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

I believe the first step is the most important. They need to know that they are seeing results/improvements to motivate them to continue. They need to have a community of people who are doing the same, who can help them make sense of why and what they are doing in their lives. I think this is a great project! I can imagine myself needing the support when I grow older!

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31/12/21 14:07:53

In response to "How Can We Improve?"

When you are young, you don\'t have money, but you have time and energy When you are a working adult, you don\'t have time, but you have money and energy. When you are old, you don\'t have energy, but you have time and money. Most seniors would desire to have that energy back in order to be active again. To get that energy back, they have to be in good health, try to connect their personal goals to activities that can increase their energy levels ie. hiking, swimming, cooking (healthy food) etc.



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