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Problem Statement

How do we provide youth with a solution that will engagingly and effectively equip them with the soft skills required to thrive in their jobs?

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The Global Digital Initiative

Grace, Jiaheng, Laura, Robin

Jobs & the Future of Work,
The Future Workplace

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Problem Statement

Youths at pre-university to university level need opportunities to explore the future workplace. How do we provide them with a solution that will engagingly and effectively equip them with the soft skills required to thrive in their jobs?

Project Description

The Global Digital Initiative aims to elevate the experience of exploring the future workplace and developing future-ready soft skills through gamification. Through a fun and interactive "choose-your-own-adventure" game, part

The Global Digital Initiative
The Global Digital Initiative


Would you actively sign up for a virtual collaborative experience depicting future workspace scenario that focuses on the development of soft skills rather than hard skills?

  • Yes
  • No

Would you actively participate in a 1-hour scenario crisis simulation which will require you to work with youths online and complete problem-solving tasks?

  • Yes
  • No

Would you prefer crisis scenarios that incorporate relatable elements in the Singaporean context or an alternate reality with fictitious but realistic elements?

  • Incorporate relatable elements in Singaporean context
  • Alternative reality with fictitious but realistic elements

Any further feedback on how to improve the project?


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