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Problem Statement

How might we then convert the inevitable food waste into useful products and reduce the coffee waste sent to the landfill?

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Problem Statement

In Singapore, the revenue for coffee was estimated to be US$1,329m in 2020 with an expected annual growth rate of 8.8%. With the burgeoning coffee industry, cafes and small F&B establishments can generate a significant amount of spent coffee ground

Project Description

Eco Agro is looking to upcycle spent coffee grounds from cafes and small F&B establishments into body scrubs, so as to reduce the coffee ground waste sent to the landfill.

Eco Agro
Eco Agro


How might we incentivize members of the public to volunteer or be paid to transport the coffee ground waste from cafes to us?

How might we incentivize the cafes to transport the coffee ground waste to us by themselves?

Do you have any suggestions on how to make this project a profitable or financially self-sustaining business?

Any further feedback on how to improve the project?


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