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Problem Statement

How do we normalize seeking mental health assistance and reduce the stigma associated?

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Problem Statement

People regularly go for regular physical health check-ups, but when it comes to mental health, many may choose to not seek help due to stigma or lack of awareness of available resources. How do we normalize seeking mental health assistance and reduce t

Project Description

Check It Out aims to create an implementation toolkit to ensure universal mental health screenings (UMHS) in schools. UMHS will help to ensure early detection and intervention of mental health symptoms

Check It Out
Check It Out


Do you think having regular mental health check-ups that are easily available in schools, workplaces or clinics will help to reduce the obstacles to seek help?

  • Yes
  • No

Have you experienced an emotional or mental health difficulty in the past before?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, have you sought help from others (e.g. professionals, family, friends, teachers) before?

Any further feedback on how to improve the project?


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