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Problem Statement

How can we help to increase awareness of this issue, encourage youths to seek help, and develop healthy social and emotional habits?

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Jalyn, Dana, Celine, Jocelyn

Mental Well-being,
Enhancing peer support

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Problem Statement

There has been a rising trend of teenagers struggling with mental illnesses and self-harm, and they are more likely to keep to themselves and not seek professional assistance. How can we help to increase awareness of this issue, encourage youths to see

Project Description

Alpha aims to launch a platform that would support the mental well being of the community. The 24/7 platform would include features and resources such as a chatbot, video call and message functions, where users can make enquiri



Do you think there are any relevant organistions that we can work with for this platform?

Do you think this platform will apply to the public and usage of the platform will rise?

Can you help to suggest some additional features for our platform?

Any further feedback on how to improve the project?


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