In response to "How Can We Improve?"
I think this is a very worthy cause and your project is off to a good start! Some of my suggestions have already been made below (i.e. in more languages) so i\'ll stick to newer ones. 1) Audience demographic: there are two ways to raise awareness about the PWM - either a) through the lower-wage workers themselves, or b) their children/younger relatives who are more tech savvy. (b) might work better for your prototype since it\'s more tech dependent. If you would like to reach out to workers themselves, maybe need a different form of content, such as videos or infographics that can be shared through WhatsApp. 2) Ask me column/video: PWM, while commendable, is a complicated scheme and some companies may attempt to find loopholes to avoid raising the workers\' salaries. One example is putting them on short-term contracts that renews yearly, so they are not considered permanent workers and thus not entitled to higher wages. Some workers may not know what their rights are under PWM, it would be great to have a column to simplify such common pitfalls and risks so workers are more aware of their rights. 3) If your bandwidth allows, can also consider a section for employers so they know how to better support their workers, including encouraging them to go on course timely, and also understand what are the available support schemes for them (e.g. Jobs Growth Incentive provides more support when hiring older workers, person with disability, or ex-offenders; Senior Employment Credit; CPF Transition Offset; Enabling Employment Credit)