In response to "How could you engage in conversations about mental health topics with people who you do not know?"
Sometimes, people who have never experienced mental health issues find it tricky to understand what you are going through. Preparing the things that you’d like to say to this person can really help you if you don’t know how to begin the conversation. You could write down little pointers so if you feel yourself getting stressed or upset, you can refer back to the notes you made to help you continue your conversation. Try asking them questions like: “How does this make you feel?”, “do you understand what I’m going through?”, “do you have anything you’d like to ask me?” Questions like these can help both of you reflect on what you need from each other, and gives you the opportunity to work through anything that they may have misunderstood. If they still don’t really understand what you’re going through after you’ve had the conversation, its okay. Make sure you let the person know that you really appreciate them sitting down with you and listening to what you have to say. It may take them a bit longer to understand, but the main thing is that you maintain an open conversation between the two of you.